Our Lady of Lavang Council 16468 Installation of Officers
On October 16th, 2016, the Virginia State Council performed the formation for Our Lady of Lavang, VA, Council 16468. In colorful ceremonies with traditional pageantry, Knights of Columbus – Our Lady of Lavang, VA, Council # 16468 installed its new officers.
The Installation of Officers ceremonies took place in the St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly, Virginia. A total of 15 Knights took part in the ceremonies – with family, friends and other church members attending.
The Mass was administered by the new Pastor, Father Liem T. Tran of Holy Martyrs of Vietnam Church and concelebrated by the Spiritual Director, Father John Son Hoang of Our Lady of Lavang Catholic Community.
District Deputy Philip Bayer presided and administered the oath of office to fifteen of the newly elected officers.
Installed at the church altar were:
Grand Knight: SK Phong Tran
Chaplain: Fr. Gioan Son Hoang, O.P
Deputy Grand Knight: SK Sang Cao
Chancellor: SK Phuong Nguyen
Recorder: Hung Le
Financial Secretary: SK Tuyen Dao
Treasurer: Gia-Hoa Nguyen
Warden: Hoach Nguyen
Inside Guard: Hai Tran
Outside Guard: Thomas Murray
Advocate: SK Kiem Cao
Lecturer: SK Thao Le
Trustee 1 Year: Tien Nguyen
Trustee 2 Years: Tuan Le
Trustee 3 Years: Long Nguyen
The State Council officers and their wives attending included: Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gasper (State Deputy), Mr. Stephen Raschke (Past State Deputy), Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Kehoe (State Secretary), Mr. & Mrs. Philip Bayer (District Deputy), Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Galvin (District Deputy), Mr. & Mrs. Tom Yehl (District Warden, P.G.K.), Mr. Bill Cinnamond (District Warden, FDD), Mr. & Mrs. Le Nguyen (State Council Director) and Mr. John Chung (Field Agent).
Also, from Diocese of Arlington there were Mrs. Corinne Monogue (Director of Multicultural Ministries) and Ms. Liz Puglise.
Part of the ceremony was the presentation of the jewel of office – often draped on the neck of the new officer by his wife. A stem roses also were presented to the wives.
The church hall was beautifully decorated in a patriotic theme including a meaningful table with KofC cake was set-up by Grand Knight’s wife, Mrs. Oanh-Oanh T. Tran. Followed was the buffet with the large selection of the Vietnamese cuisines for our honored guest and families’ members.
The Our Lady of Lavang Community of the Diocese of Arlington, is grateful to be blessed with its own Knights of Columbus Council.
By S.K. Phong Tran, Vietnamese Catholic Community